I wake up the next morning as Troy is brushing my neck with sweet kisses.
“Good morning, beautiful girl”
I smile at him and say, “Morning, sexy.”
He leans over and gives me a firm kiss on the lips.
“What time is it?” I ask.
He turns to his alarm clock. “Eleven in the morning”
I groan and bury myself deeper into his side. “I want more sleep”
He chuckles because he knows how much I hate getting up. Thankfully, even with all the drinking I did last night, I am not hung over. I just feel tired. Troy and I have had very little sleep with all sex we’ve been having. I turn my head my when I realize I hear noises downstairs.
“Who is making all that noise down there?” I ask.
“I don’t know, but I think we have a houseful of guests. Everyone must have crashed here last night.”
“Great. I have to get out of your room without anyone realizing I spent the night in here.
“Destiny, are you embarrassed?”
“No, I just don’t want to shock my brother with the news just yet.”
Troy laughs. “I think it’s going to surprise him no matter how we tell him, Sweetie. I don’t think he is going to flip out on us or anything like that, but it’s still going to shock him”
“I know. I’m still in shock myself. I love to hate you; we have been fighting for as long as I can remember. I am not supposed to be your girlfriend,” I say with a huge grin on my face.
He rolls his eyes at me. “Whatever.”
I begin looking around the room for my underwear. I finally find them and slip them on. He throws a T-shirt at me. His shirt comes down far enough to cover everything I need it to. He puts on his boxers and a pair of jeans that are slung low on his hips and show off his perfect abs.
He pulls me to him, kisses me, and says, “Let’s just go down together and see what happens.”
I agree. It really is silly to be freaking out over this. We are all adults, right?
I start out of the room first, but stop short when someone appears in front me. Troy runs into my back. He puts an arm around my waist to steady me as we come face to face with David.
“Shit,” Troy whispers behind me. Oh, this is not good.
About the Author:
I have always loved reading and writing. When I was in the fifth grade I became a published writer (okay so it was the school newspaper). I spent the better part of my teen years writing stories for my friends. Sometime between ages of 16 and 35 life happened and I stopped writing but I never stopped reading. It was only after my grandfather passed away in early 2012 that I decided to go for my dreams and write a novel and self-publish it.
I write under the pen name Mari Brown, which is just a play on my real name. I am happily married to my own alpha/ former bad boy male, we have been together for 18 years. We have a 17 year old daughter and two sons ages 15 and 14. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats. There is never a dull moment around my house. We live on the beautiful Gulf Coast of Alabama.
In addition to writing I am also co-owner of Keepin’ It Real Book Blog, where I share my love of reading other Indie Authors.
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