tore her gaze away from the mare and said firmly. “Cinco pesos. And
only because this yegua has fire, not because of your terms. Selena,
pay him.”
hand shook, but the pesos were transferred to the dirty palm. The man
laughed with glee, the crowd dispersed, and Catalina was left with a
dirty, starving horse.
shall get you fed and cleaned up.” She patted the mare’s neck. A
cloud of dirt rose in the air, and Catalina struggled not to cough.
“I shall call you La Reina, because once in my establo, I shall
treat you like a queen. Your body may be beaten, but your spirit is
not broken.”
Her maid’s voice was tentative as it interrupted her quiet
chattering. “Whatever possessed you—”
me a mozo,” Catalina interrupted her. “Take the remaining pesos
and fetch me a groom. La Reina is going to her castle.” She wasn’t
offering more explanation than that. She didn’t owe anyone an
explanation. She’d done what was right.
As her
maid turned to comply, heading toward the livery, a loud pffffht rent
the air. Catalina stared at her new acquisition in surprise.
froze and swung around to admonish her charge. “Señorita! Your
behavior has been questionable enough this day. Mind yourself.” She
shook her head and her finger both before turning back to the task at
heard her muttering as she sashayed away. She was too surprised and
too tired to defend herself, but the breeze picked up, and a waft of
foul air assaulted her. Catalina immediately tugged a delicate, lace
handkerchief from her sleeve and placed it over her nose as she
glared at the horse.
Reina snorted and pawed the ground. Catalina could swear the mare was
laughing at her. She merely shook her head. “Dios mío, and you let
me take the blame for that?”
Reina whinnied and bared her teeth as though she were smiling.