Raziel slammed on the breaks and the bus came to a screeching halt. Those standing up were forced to grab hold of the seats to keep from being thrown to the floor.
There parked on the side of the street was a brand new white Maybach, identical to Jennifer’s. Couldn’t be. Gabriel he ran over to the rear of the car to check the plate. Oh, dear God, no. Sure enough it was Jennifer’s.
It hadn’t dawn on him to look inside the warehouse for the three women his soldiers mentioned. Nor did dawn on him, the two blonds and brunette, would be anyone he knew. He assumed they were either girlfriends of the guards or ….shit, that didn’t’ matter now.
Back on board the bus, he tried to call Jennifer on her cell just in case she was still somewhere in the area. He told Raphael to call Jessica and Lance to get hold of Tshering. He wasn’t positive who the two blonds were, but he knew in his heart the brunette had to be Jennifer. He was guessing, but he had a sneaky suspicion who the other two were.
When Jessica’s and Tshering’s phones went unanswered, Gabe called Johnson and told him to take a head count on the women. He needed to know just how many women from the estate, accompanied Jen on her little expedition. Damn her and her independent rebellious streak. It was just like her to pull off something like this.
Lance hung up his phone and stared at Gabriel. “You don’t think?”
“I do… Lance, Jen said she was in the command center earlier when she learned you suspected the mothers were the homicide victims. What exactly did she see while she was in there?”
Lance’s photographic memory recalled Jennifer’s reaction to the monitors under his control. He forgot the warehouse and its address were on one of them, presuming she was concentrating on the one that was running the identification software. It would have been all too easy for her to see and memorize the address.
“Gabe, I never gave it a second thought…the warehouse and address was up on one of the monitors….but she couldn’t have been the one to shut down the security…”
“No, I think we have your lovely Tshering to thank for that.”
Raziel slammed on the breaks and the bus came to a screeching halt. Those standing up were forced to grab hold of the seats to keep from being thrown to the floor.
There parked on the side of the street was a brand new white Maybach, identical to Jennifer’s. Couldn’t be. Gabriel he ran over to the rear of the car to check the plate. Oh, dear God, no. Sure enough it was Jennifer’s.
It hadn’t dawn on him to look inside the warehouse for the three women his soldiers mentioned. Nor did dawn on him, the two blonds and brunette, would be anyone he knew. He assumed they were either girlfriends of the guards or ….shit, that didn’t’ matter now.
Back on board the bus, he tried to call Jennifer on her cell just in case she was still somewhere in the area. He told Raphael to call Jessica and Lance to get hold of Tshering. He wasn’t positive who the two blonds were, but he knew in his heart the brunette had to be Jennifer. He was guessing, but he had a sneaky suspicion who the other two were.
When Jessica’s and Tshering’s phones went unanswered, Gabe called Johnson and told him to take a head count on the women. He needed to know just how many women from the estate, accompanied Jen on her little expedition. Damn her and her independent rebellious streak. It was just like her to pull off something like this.
Lance hung up his phone and stared at Gabriel. “You don’t think?”
“I do… Lance, Jen said she was in the command center earlier when she learned you suspected the mothers were the homicide victims. What exactly did she see while she was in there?”
Lance’s photographic memory recalled Jennifer’s reaction to the monitors under his control. He forgot the warehouse and its address were on one of them, presuming she was concentrating on the one that was running the identification software. It would have been all too easy for her to see and memorize the address.
“Gabe, I never gave it a second thought…the warehouse and address was up on one of the monitors….but she couldn’t have been the one to shut down the security…”
“No, I think we have your lovely Tshering to thank for that.”

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