Thursday, December 20, 2012

Emily Guido


Win books 1-5 in the Light-Bearer Series by Emily Guido just enter the rafflecopter to the right.


About the Author:
Emily Guido is a new Paranormal Romance Author. She was inspired to start writing "Charmeine" because one day she got an idea of two characters that needed to have their story told. Not ever dreaming a week later she would have over a 100,000 words written. When Emily writes, it is similar to you or I watching a movie. She pictures the characters in her head going through vivid descriptions of each scene. There are so many nuances going through her mind that she cannot type fast enough. The novels “Mactus,” “Accendo,” “Seditious,” and “Ransom,” are the continuation of the wonderful adventures of the inhabitants of The Castle Charmeine!
Emily is currently writing “Conundrum” the Sixth Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series” She is currently working at a College full time, and pursuing her Master of Business Administration.

Where to find/follow Emily:

Interview with Emily

What is the best thing about being an author for you?
I think it is being creative. I can sit for hours typing out a story and have a great time doing it. The words come so easily when I have a “movie” going in my head. I know that others may have problems writing, but for me… if I didn’t have a full time job and go to MBA school full time, I would be writing most of the time. I love it and it doesn’t seem to have an end for me. I don’t know why. 

How do you choose the names of your heros?
My heroes and heroines have Angel names mostly because this story is really about Angels loving other Angels who have ended up on Earth as Blood-Hunters. It is really easy for me to think of these names because I went to Catholic school. I even fashioned the character traits around what the Angel is supposed to be. Like Tabbruis (pronounced TAB-BREECE) is the Angel of Self-Determination. That isn’t something I made up, it comes from my upbringing. Some have said “there is too much God” in my books. Well, “The Light-Bearer Series” is about Angels…doy! God is gotta be in there someplace. I’m not preachy but the more you read in the books, you have to know how the characters came into being and their motivations, so there’s going to be more and more references to God.

You previously told me that one of the scenes in Charmeine was something that actually happened, have you added any other real life experiences to your books?
Yes a little bit here and there. That’s what makes it so fun! Charmeine is the Angel of Harmony. Now, I don’t claim to be an Angel at all, but I love it when people get along. I don’t like being in conflict with anyone. However, I will fight like the dickens for my family. Also, Charmeine and Tabbruis like Billy Joel, that is true for me. I love Billy Joel and could listen to him all the time. Little things too such as Tabbruis loves his Black Dodge Charger ST8 HEMI engine muscle car! That is from me… so much so, I went and bought one the exact same one he has in the book this summer because I love, love, love that car! 
If you had to choose who would be your favorite hero? heroine? and why.
I love strong female characters and real life people like Elizabeth I, Wonder Woman, Claire from the Outlander Series written by Diana Gabaldon, Lara Croft in Tomb Raiders, Jane Eyre from Charlotte Bronte and in the Canterbury Tales, the raucous and lewd Wife of Bath. Why? I love women who are very intelligent and know what to do to get the job done. They are also a tiny bit vulnerable too, but not too much to get them off track. I feel women should be tough and never lose the fact that all things do not need to be fought with just brawn but brains, persistence and love. 
What scenes are the hardest for you to write?
I think the scenes I struggle with are the historical ones, because I pride myself in being as accurate as I can be. Why? You see to make Tabbruis’ history believable; you have to see the corresponding real story. I had a reader comment in her review that I described a historical event like I was there, that’s because I did research and painstakingly wrote the account out of factual information!
Have you ever written a scene that made you blush?
Yes and no, “The Light-Bearer Series” are YA. At first, I did write the books with a few saucy scenes, but I really didn’t like how it came out. I think if you bring the reader right to a certain point, their imagination is MUCH better than you actually writing it out. Also, a ton of Paranormal Romance books have graphic sex scenes. Yes, I have read them but sometimes it becomes the focus of the story.
I love romance, comedy, paranormal happenings, historical, action, and adventure to be the emphasis. I AM A HUGE SOPPY ROMANTIC. To the doom and gloom to all who know me because I’m a big old softie for romance, i.e. romantic movies, books, songs, plays, and musicals… anything.
I know I will NEVER please everyone with my books, so I don’t try. I write what I love, what appeals to me, what makes me curl my toes, laugh, or cry. Let’s face it, if you don’t write what you love, then why write? 
How do you choose the names of your heros?
My heroes and heroines have Angel names mostly because this story is really about Angels loving other Angels who have ended up on Earth as Blood-Hunters. It is really easy for me to think of these names because I went to Catholic school. I even fashioned the character traits around what the Angel is supposed to be. Like Tabbruis (pronounced TAB-BREECE) is the Angel of Self-Determination. That isn’t something I made up, it comes from my upbringing. Some have said “there is too much God” in my books. Well, “The Light-Bearer Series” is about Angels…doy! God is gotta be in there someplace. I’m not preachy but the more you read in the books, you have to know how the characters came into being and their motivations, so there’s going to be more and more references to God. 

Books By Emily Guido

Charmeine (The Light-Bearer, #1)  

Can romance develop between a Heavenly Light-Bearer and a Hellish Vampire Blood-Hunter?
"Charmeine" the First Novel in "The Light-Bearer Series," was released January 2012.
Tabbruis is a Blood-Hunter, he drinks blood to survive. Over millennia Tabbruis has wandered the Earth alone aimlessly living through many historical events.
Charmeine just came to the Earth in 1997, unable to remember anything.
When Tabbruis meets Charmeine the attraction is immediate and passionate. They are polar opposites and clash together in a strongly romantic and dramatic way. When she meets Tabbruis, Charmeine’s powers as a Light-Bearer, one who throws lightning, is triggered and grows exponentially.
Will Charmeine and Tabbruis fulfill their destinies? Will they realize their importance in both the Blood-Hunter and Light-Bearer world? 
 Mactus (The Light-Bearer, #2) 
"Mactus" is the Second Novel in "The Light-Bearer Series."  The romance and action develop and deepens between our two ill-fated lovers, Tabbruis and Charmeine.
Mactus” means well-done in Latin, and as our Tabbruis and Charmeine proclaim their love for one another, they are reminded of the daunting task before them. However, their union is joyous and very romantic.  
Tabbruis and Charmeine’s love deepens and grows stronger. However, they are both thrown when Charmeine is revealed to be the Queen of Light and Tabbruis is the King of Darkness!
Their son, Shane, brings an addition to the family, his fiancée, Sandra Gomez! She bonds with Charmeine and Tabbruis instantly. Can Charmeine and Sandra work together to defend themselves from the powerful Elder Council Blood-Hunter Pascal’s attack?
"Mactus" is a romantic and exciting book is a page turner from the beginning to end! 
 Accendo (The Light-Bearer, #3)  
"Accendo" is the Third Novel in "The Light-Bearer Series."  Reality knocks our two star-crossed lovers, Tabbruis and Charmeine into the now when they have to plan to battle the Evil Blood-Hunter Elder Council.
Charmeine is cut to the core because of Tabbruis’ lack of faith in her ability to lead. Will their love survive?  Will their faith in each other be tested as they begin their new life together?
Tabbruis and Charmeine find their close relationship is challenged with unbelief and lack of trust.
The battle to freedom from the Dark and Evil forces which Lucifer has let loose on the Earth is harder than Tabbruis and Charmeine ever imagined.
Their family also suffers a serious loss.  Can they recover and pick up the pieces? "Accendo" is a romantic and exciting book is a page turner from the beginning to end!
Seditious (The Light-Bearer, #4)  
The Fourth Novel in "The Light-Bearer Series" is "Seditious."  This book is the continuation of Tabbruis and Charmeine's romantic and turbulent love story and mission on Earth to battle Lucifer's minions!
Tabbruis and Charmeine’s life at the ‘Castle Charmeine’ is blissful until reality of the ruling the Elder Council Blood-Hunters hits them in the face.
In "Seditious" Tabbruis and Charmeine find that their love is tested in the most heinous way possible.
Then, as a one-two punch, Lord Cromwell, one of the most deadly and powerful Blood-Hunter ever has escaped the Elder Council Prison. Lord Cromwell sends his beautiful agent to cause trouble for Tabbruis and Charmeine and wants something that they have!
Charmeine runs away from the 'Castle Charmeine' to forget the betrayal of her most beloved husband Tabbruis.
Can Tabbruis win Charmeine back? How can he make her understand?
Exciting all the way to the end!  "Seditious" will have you turning page after page in this story of passion, betrayal and seduction.
Seditious” the fourth novel, will have you riveted from the beginning.
 Ransom (The Light-Bearer, #5)   
Ransom” is the Fifth Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series” Can Tabbruis convince Charmeine, his love and soul-mate to take him back?  Will Charmeine be able to forget the pain of the past?
Tabbruis and Charmeine take their new family on a much needed and impromptu vacation; however, there is always a twist and turn for them to recover from.
The children of Dmitri are growing up fast and there is an addition to the 'Castle Charmeine'.
Lord Cromwell, plans a deadly attack on the 'Castle Charmeine' and he takes something precious to Charmeine.  However, he wants something in exchange.
Can Charmeine and her family battle this deadly adversary?
Tabbruis and Charmeine’s family bond together to fight Lord Cromwell and more surprises are in store for the star-crossed lovers, Tabbruis and Charmeine!
A must read for all who have read “Charmeine," "Mactus," "Accendo," and “Seditious” in “The Light-Bearer Series.” However, "Ransom" can be a stand-alone novel in its own right!

"Conundrum," soon to be released in early 2013 will undoubtedly have more of Charmeine and Tabbruis' adventures along with their family!

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