HUNTER--He Was Dangerously Sexy, His Eyes Full of Sinful Promises...
He was bruised, broke, and brash enough to think he could win the top prize in the motorcycle scavenger hunt, but Hunter Kincaid hadn't counted on a smart-mouthed half-pint with kissable lips to sign on as his partner! Fortune Dagosta didn't know how shed survive a week in close quarters with Hunter, but she needed the money to put a new roof on her halfway house for troubled kids.
Romance on the Run
She was no Cinderella, and Hunter no prince, but they were stuck with each other... and soon tumbling headlong into blazing rapture that shocked them both. Hunter called Fortune his lucky charm, a sensual angel whose touch soothed his sorrow. Neither of them had ever believed in always, but once they'd confessed the pain of traveling alone, could they build a home together in their hearts?
He was bruised, broke, and brash enough to think he could win the top prize in the motorcycle scavenger hunt, but Hunter Kincaid hadn't counted on a smart-mouthed half-pint with kissable lips to sign on as his partner! Fortune Dagosta didn't know how shed survive a week in close quarters with Hunter, but she needed the money to put a new roof on her halfway house for troubled kids.
Romance on the Run
She was no Cinderella, and Hunter no prince, but they were stuck with each other... and soon tumbling headlong into blazing rapture that shocked them both. Hunter called Fortune his lucky charm, a sensual angel whose touch soothed his sorrow. Neither of them had ever believed in always, but once they'd confessed the pain of traveling alone, could they build a home together in their hearts?
****NetGalley provided me with a copy of this book for my honest review****
Hunter enters a motorcycle scavenger hunt to win some money after his life savings is wiped out from a motorcycle accident. One of Fortunes runaway kids also entered her in this contest, when Hunter is chosen and his partner isn't there he has Fortune become his partner. The two of them start out on a scavenger hunt to win the money and end up getting close, they both have to get over their pasts to see if they have a future together. I don't even know where to start, so I am going to dive right in, Hunter was a supposed to be a broken bad boy, but he just came across as an uncaring asshole. Fortune, her name alone was an exaggerated cliche, the little limericks she came up with were supposed to be cute and quirky, they were just annoying and unnecessary. The sex scenes were uncomfortable to read because of the awkwardness. The flow of the book was stilted in some places and then rushed in others. The end of the book had me rereading it because I thought I had read it wrong or misunderstood what happened., but nope that's really how it ended. This book was not a good one for me.
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