Re-release 9-6-13
Isabel has had some very unusual experiences when it comes to men. In fact, they typically tend to steer completely clear of her. One lousy tornado and a few storms and she is dubbed ‘lighting girl’ by all. However, on the eve of her 22nd birthday things change literally, overnight. When Isabel wakes up in a dream with a man not fit for human consumption she can’t believe it. And upon waking from her dream things go even more haywire. Never could she have imagined the world that she sees once the ‘blinders’ are off. Abandoned by the very person who sent these gifts to her to see the world for what it is, she is naturally overwhelmed by it all. Her men problems before were laughable. Enter two of the most gorgeous creatures she has ever laid eyes upon. Add a curse and a requirement to pick one in the next 9 days. Make that nights actually, since she can only reach them in her dreams. Oh, and it just so happens if she picks the wrong one then the veil between all the magical realms could be destroyed and create ultimate chaos and death. Both men want to seduce her and make her his, but only one will lead to restoring the realms, and her heart. So heavy the burden, so great the stakes. Will she even survive the war that has already begun to rage between the worlds before her choice is made? There are the waking hours too, that are contending for her fate. And very little help is on her side....
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Re-release 10-4-13
Amele must fulfill her binding to the Elemental God Nikolai, as was her p romise. Is the warrior Queen ready for all that he will demand of her however? Icy hearts and stubborn ways make for a wild adventure on just what it means to keep your word in the Immortal Realms. She may have been able to handle half the of the dragon realm without even working up a sweat but could she have met her match in a God? Will Amele survive her binding to the attractive God she's lusted over for centuries but could never call out of vanity and fear? Will Nikolai even want her around that long? Everyone knows that the Gods lose interest in their playthings after a time. Even the offerings of days long past never stayed for a fraction of her requirement. Queen Amele is one of the fiercest warriors of her race, but she may not be ready for this promise she has made.
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About the author:
Like any author, you can find pieces of my soul in my words and within the worlds created from the canvas of my mind. I love everything medieval even though my stories are fantasy/ paranormal urban romances. I love reading, writing, family time, movies, cooking, playing, great wine and stimulating conversation...not necessarily in that order. Keltor is my third published book however it is off the shelves as I seek representation for the series. Writing and editing is done in my, eh hem, spare time and as a single mom and full time employee in the financial world, it thrills me that I’ve managed to do any of this. When I write, I never know how the story is going to really end. Always an HEA, but as the characters, world and plot develop it feels as if it’s no longer me writing the story, but my characters themselves.
***Please, if you have read any of my books don’t forget how important it is to rate and review them. Thank you in advance and have a beautiful journey in this, our human experience***
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