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I got to meet Jillian at the Los Angeles Author Event in April, it was a few hours into the event and when we went to take pictures she asked us to try to not get her bare feet in the pictures. That's why I asked the first question, I couldn't resist teasing her just a little bit.
1. Do you always do book signings barefoot?
When I'm writing, I spend a lot of time locked away in a room by myself wearing my Ugg slippers. When I do book signings, I always wear a great pair of heels or some cute boots. And those are not always comfortable, so sometimes I take them off .
2. What are some of the charities that you donate to and why those particular ones?
When I wrote That Boy, I decided to donate a portion of my royalties to my three favorite charities. Since That Boy's release in May of 2011, I have donated almost $20,000, split between the following charities: The Make-A-Wish Foundation, The Chi Omega Foundation, and the University of Nebraska Foundation.
3. What books are you looking forward to reading most this year?
Two of them just released and I just read them. The Game Changer by J. Sterling and the final book in The Breathing Series by Rebecca Donovan. I'm looking very forward to book 4 in The Mystic Series by BC Burgess. And I've been downloading my favorite spy novels to read on vacation this August.
4. When you have a hard time writing a scene what do you do?
I stop trying to write it and work on a different scene. I write scenes out of order then piece a book together.
5. Your next book Love Me comes out tomorrow, are you anxious to see what people will say about it?
Love Me is very different than the rest of the books in the series. With the exception of some drama, some stalker scares, and a little heartbreak, the series has been pretty upbeat. Pretty happy and fun. And while so many of the readers are all about the cute boys in the series, the series is really about Keatyn. About her growing into herself and, most importantly, loving herself. Book 4 is tough for Keatyn, was very emotional for me to write, and will probably be tough on fans. Especially those that have their hearts set on her being with a certain boy! But I hope they will enjoy the ride.
6. What is you favorite sweets to eat when you are having a bad day?
My favorite candy is Bakers Milk Chocolate Mint Meltaways. When I was little, my grandparents lived next door to me. My grandpa always kept a box of Bavarian mints in his top dresser drawer. And every once in a while, he'd let me sneak a piece. Actually, he usually let me take two. One for me and one to take home to my little brother. (I'm pretty sure that second piece NEVER made it home to him!) Bakers Chocolates are made from scratch in Greenwood, NE, a small town between Omaha and Lincoln. They are amazing and always make me feel better.
That Boy

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The gorgeous engagement ring on my finger mimics my happiness. I feel so sparkly, glittery, and full of promise, because I absolutely know he's that boy. The boy I want to marry. My prince. My happily ever after. But then our pastor starts asking lots of questions. His parents say I haven’t dealt with my past. I have horrible wedding disaster dreams. I can’t find the perfect dress. I have to manipulate him to get my way. An old boyfriend asks me to run away with him. My best friend says I'm going to ruin everything. And forever starts to sound like a really long time. Which totally freaks me out and makes me question everything I know. Should best friends get married? Will my past affect our relationship? Are my horrible dreams a warning? Will I ever find a dress? Could his sexiness be clouding my judgment? Am I going to ruin everything? Or is it just a case of cold feet? And then I have to decide. Am I willing to give up on true love forever, or am I going to listen to my heart and marry him?
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That Baby (That Boy #3) July 2014
The Keatyn Chronicles

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I've always written scripts for my perfect life. But no way could I have ever scripted this. My life is so far from perfect, it’s not even funny. All because of a stalker. I’m at a boarding school where I have to lie about who I am. I can’t see my family. I’m tutoring a Hottie God that tortures me with his smile. The most popular girl already hates me. But there’s this boy. This hot, sweet, sexy boy. So I’m going to stop trying to script my life and just live it. Because who knows how long I have left.
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I’m not scripting my life anymore. I’m living it. I’m done with the God of all Hotties. I’m going to give my heart to the boy who I think deserves it. The boy whose kisses are hotter than molten lava. The boy who offered me the key to his heart. The boy who asked me to Homecoming in a big, sexy way. There are so many things to look forward to. Parties at the Cave. Homecoming festivities. Drama Tryouts. Shopping trips to NY. But things aren’t always as perfect as they seem. I find out that my best friend has been keeping a secret from me. Not that I can blame him. I have secrets too. But, for now, I’m going to pretend I’m just a normal girl. I’m going to pretend he’s not still out there. I’m going to pretend he’s not getting desperate. I’m going to pretend I’ll never see him again. But, I will. And this time, I might not get away.
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My mom says that you can’t love someone until you learn to love yourself. So even though Vincent is getting more and more scary. Even though he’s doing a nationwide search for me. I’m going to learn to love myself. Well, I’m going to try. Mostly, I want a boy to love me. But which one? Dawson - The gorgeous boy who made a mistake, but whose molten lava kisses and steaminess I can’t freaking resist. or Aiden - The God of all Hotties, who is practically infused with love potion. Who I thought liked me, but now says he wants to be my friend. or Brooklyn - The boy that first stole my heart. Who has always loved me. Well, until the whole cabana incident. I mean, it was bad enough when there was sort of a love triangle, but now that I’m talking to B again, it’s like I’m in a love rectangle, or a rhombus, or something. Oh, and did I mention Cooper Steele? The new soccer coaching, health teaching, tattooed hunk? Who Garrett sent to school to guard my body. I mean, be my bodyguard. But back to loving me. I should forget about boys and worry about me. Love me. Like, eventually.
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Expected Publication November 23rd 2013.

Expected publication: January 15th 2014
Come and Get Me (The Keatyn Chronicles #6)
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