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Lil & Sams book picks:
Lil’s picks-
The Babysitters Club. It was every adolescent girls favorite series.
Little Women
The Harry Potter Series
The Great Gatsby
Twilight- only the first one
The Babysitters Club. It was every adolescent girls favorite series.
Little Women
The Harry Potter Series
The Great Gatsby
Twilight- only the first one
Sam’s picks-
The entire collection of RL Stine books.
Friday Night Lights
The Harry Potter Series
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The entire collection of RL Stine books.
Friday Night Lights
The Harry Potter Series
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
People have often told me that I live in a fantasy world. Little did they know, I was building an empire of stories in my head to one day share. I'm a mother first, a wife second, and a writer third. I'm so thankful to have been given this chance to get my stories out of my head and onto paper. When I'm not writing, I sell plumbing (no I'm not kidding) and read romances that leave my heart a flutter. I know a ridiculous amount of pop culture information and can quote certain movies word for word. Music drives me to write and to also sing off key.
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