Miranda is a high-class escort at the most prestigious escort agency in Sydney, Australia. Her Madam, Miss Stephanie commands the highest standard from her working girls and has taught Miranda the very best in the art of seducing men. Although it was never the life Miranda imagined for herself, she makes more than a decent living from it and always seems to be in demand from the Agency’s top clients.
American-born Joe Tench is one of Sydney’s most prominent businessman, owning the majority of the nightlife in Sydney, and across the country, but there is a dark side to Joe Tench. He is a regular client of Miranda's, he is also demanding, dominating and hard to handle. Miranda finds herself falling for Joe Tench’s unfamiliar, yet enticing charm. Until she meets Tom Smythe, heir to a wealthy mining company and amongst the top ten wealthiest families in Australia. The two develop a strong friendship after a chance meeting.
Miranda is caught between her feelings for these two very different men until a personal tragedy sees Miranda embark on a journey of discovery... and into a world she finds difficult to escape from.
American-born Joe Tench is one of Sydney’s most prominent businessman, owning the majority of the nightlife in Sydney, and across the country, but there is a dark side to Joe Tench. He is a regular client of Miranda's, he is also demanding, dominating and hard to handle. Miranda finds herself falling for Joe Tench’s unfamiliar, yet enticing charm. Until she meets Tom Smythe, heir to a wealthy mining company and amongst the top ten wealthiest families in Australia. The two develop a strong friendship after a chance meeting.
Miranda is caught between her feelings for these two very different men until a personal tragedy sees Miranda embark on a journey of discovery... and into a world she finds difficult to escape from.
****I was given a copy of this book for my honest review****First I would just like to say, Aussie Author Alert!! Being from the land down under I am always excited to read a book with Aussie references, places, music (Angus and Julia Stone, woot woot!).Buying Thyme by TJ Hamilton did not disappoint in this.
I am not going to go into details because I do believe the book blurb has highlighted everything and I don't want to give any extras away.
What I will say is that even though Miranda is a prostitute I found her incredible real and believable. My pleasure in a book always increase when the character/s are written in a way that I can relate and therefore connect with them.
As you can imagine with a book based on the life of a prostitute there was a bit of sex in this book. Not a problem for me I loved it, and the author did a stand out job of writing in many variables, costumes, scenarios etc. It is super hot. Mr Joe Tench, well can I say I love that man and all his domineering ways? Miranda being torn between the mysterious bad boy and the friendly open nice boy, was addictive, I just kept wanting more
This book was really easy to read, it flowed and I found myself just flying through it.
TJ Hamilton has put herself on my radar and I am eager to start the next book in this trilogy.
4 stars.
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