Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Love Waltzes In

 Love Waltzes In (Dancing under the Stars, #1) 
4 of 5 stars false 
To her millions of fans, ballroom champion Selena Marcil seems to have the perfect life: a great dance partner, a hit reality show, and celebrity perks. But underneath the glamorous ball gowns, Selena longs to find someone to share her life with when the stage lights dim.
Selena’s childhood sweetheart, Bret Lord, hung up his dance shoes after winning two national titles with her as a teenager, and enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. He never saw his former fiancée again, except on television and on the cover of men’s magazines. Ten years and three deployments later, Bret gets an offer to audition for Selena’s dance show. When the Marine Corps gives him temporary leave to appear on the series, Bret can’t refuse the quick cash that will enable him to provide financially for the widow of his buddy, even if it does mean coming face to face with his past.
When Bret shows up at her national championship, Selena is shocked. For years she searched for him to no avail. After spending time with Bret, Selena realizes despite their past romance, they have no future. He has no desire to live under a spotlight and she has no desire to leave it. Can Selena and Bret recognize when Love Waltzes In?


****This book was part of a blog tour I was given a copy for my honest review****
 Selena and Bret where childhood sweethearts and dance partners he never wanted to be the limelight and she loves it, after winning two national titles with her he joined the Marines. She broke their engagement, he saw her in the media and while she routinely tried to find him on the internet the two didn't see each other again. It's been ten years and Selena is a dancing star and Bret takes leave from the Marines to appear on the same dance show as her to get enough money to help out the widow of his friend. The two of them realize breaking up really was the best thing for them, but did they ever stop loving each other? Will the two of them give up a second time or will they put their love ahead of personal wants this time? This was a second chance at first love book, it was sweet and the dancing added a sensual element that gave it some heat. I loved the characters in this book, who could resist a marine that dances like a god and Selena at first seemed selfish, but after you got to know her you realized she was not a bad person. The rest of the characters added some humor to the book and a few of them added that flare of drama that kept things interesting. Love Waltzes In is a great read, I can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series.

Post by:  work_at_home_moms_zpsdf8e4cf4-1_zpsc183cc39

Begging For Forgiveness

Begging For Forgiveness - Release Week Blitz
By Astrid Cielo
Erotic Paranormal Romance
Date Published: 9/17/2013

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When Aspen Clarke saw Skylar Ashmore for the first time, her cougar screamed that this wolf would be hers.  But Aspen can't trust the mating call because she knows all too well that sometimes fate can get it wrong.  After a steamy night with Skylar, Aspen is broken-hearted to find that her worries are founded when she awakens alone and confused.  So, she runs back to Pinewood Creek and her old pride that’d always made her feel welcome, unlike her own parents.  Little does she know that she carries more with her than emotional baggage.  Now faced with motherhood alone she's decided that she doesn't need a mate.

Skylar just wanted to forget his last assignment, so like he had for the past six months after he was forced to execute yet another shifter he stopped at the little restaurant a town over from his apartment to lose himself in good food.  He never expected to lose himself in a female.  He took the beautiful Aspen to bed the moment he caught her scent, his wolf beside itself wanting to claim its mate.  But after it was over he knows he's made a mistake...because he's already mated.  So, he runs and hopes he can beg his mate for forgiveness.

Xavier had never felt a betrayal as deep as when Skylar slid into bed beside him smelling of a female, not even when his old pack had nearly beat him to death.  But soon that feeling of betrayal faded to confusion, then surprise when he realized that whatever female his mate had taken was also his mate.

Now Skylar and Xavier will hunt for their missing mate.  But little do they know, Skylar's last assignment has a loose end that's just waiting for the right moment to strike--and it's set its sights on Aspen.  

Can Aspen accept the man who left her pregnant and doubting mating all over again?  Can Skylar and Xavier convince her to mate with not one, but both of them?  Will Aspen survive to forgive?

Astrid Cielo

Astrid Cielo is a Mississippi girl who enjoys a variety of things. By night, she is a nurse in her local ER, and by day, she is spilling her imagination out on paper.
Astrid began writing when she was a child her stories featuring a variety of characters (including her imaginary friends). When she was in high school she wrote her first completed story and was published twice in poetry anthologies. Gathering her courage, Astrid self-published her first book, Surrender Serenity, Salin's Salvation, Book 1 and enjoyed every minute of it.
Now she balances her time between being a nurse (which she loves) and writing down the scenes that play out in her mind. She also plays World of Warcraft (which all of her friends think is weird)!


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