Nina Sheridan’s on a timeout adventure in the Colorado Mountains. She needs distance from her clueless fiance, distance to decide whether she wants to spend the rest of her life with a man who doesn’t care enough to learn how she takes her coffee.
Arriving in a blinding snowstorm at the A-Frame she rented, she comes face to face with the most amazing man she’s ever seen. Minutes later, when he kicks her out of his house, she goes head to head with him.
Beyond angry because she’s flown half a world away to start her timeout adventure, not to mention her sinuses hurt, she heads back down the mountain and ends up in a ditch. Unable to extricate herself, she gives up, hopes for rescue and falls asleep in the backseat.
The next morning she wakes up in the amazing man’s bed and she’s sick as a dog.
Holden Maxwell spends days nursing her back to health and then he spends the next two weeks trying to convince her to take her Colorado adventure further, in other words, make it permanent and take a gamble on him.
Nina has a tough time fighting her attraction to Max, especially when it seems all Max’s friends, her mother and step dad and the whole town want them together and both she and Max get embroiled in the murder of Max’s ex-friend and the town of Gnaw Bone’s most detested resident – a man everyone has motive to kill, especially Max.
This book was a pure joy to read. This was actually my second time reading about Max and his Duchess and the second viewing certainly didn't diminish the effect this story had on me. This book has some intense and heart wrenching themes, rape, death, tragedy, suicide..... so needless to say you will need some tissues while you are on the emotional journey that is "The Gamble".
Never said this, Nina, never thought I'd have the chance, Charlie whispered into my head and the only response I could give was to hold Max tighter, I'm so sorry, sweetheart.
A new sob slid from my throat and Max held me closerFirstly, I love Charlie. Charlie is Nina (our leading ladies)dead brother. He committed suicide after his tour in Afghanistan left him without legs from a mine explosion. Throughout this story, we still get to here from him because his spirit still talks to Nina,guiding her from beyond.
I have a brother who I love with all my heart, we have a special link.
Charlie and Nina have that same link. My brother loving heart is crushed by this tragic sibling story. The conversations she has with her dead brother throughout this book are bittersweet.I am equal parts sad and angry,especially because he obviously loved her back. Anyway no girl should ever have to lose their beautiful brother the way Nina did."Best night I've had since Charlie got hurt."
His arms got tighter. I nestled closer.
"What was he like?" Max asked, still talking quietly.
"Charlie?" I asked back, still talking in my sleep.
"Best brother ever," I whispered and snuggled closer.
So although this is not the primary storyline or primary character, I latched onto any single little thing that Charlie said to Nina, every little thing being precious.
Secondly, I believe that Nina could be one of the best heroines in KA's extensive repertoire of heroines. Or at least she has the very best line. I read this after I have read most of her books and I have to say at one time or another all her male leads have said this or used a similar word I have always thought to myself, those men seem to be saying a whole lot with that word. Well Nina summed it up perfectly for me and I say kudos to you Duchess!
Never said this, Nina, never thought I'd have the chance, Charlie whispered into my head and the only response I could give was to hold Max tighter, I'm so sorry, sweetheart.
A new sob slid from my throat and Max held me closerFirstly, I love Charlie. Charlie is Nina (our leading ladies)dead brother. He committed suicide after his tour in Afghanistan left him without legs from a mine explosion. Throughout this story, we still get to here from him because his spirit still talks to Nina,guiding her from beyond.
I have a brother who I love with all my heart, we have a special link.
Charlie and Nina have that same link. My brother loving heart is crushed by this tragic sibling story. The conversations she has with her dead brother throughout this book are bittersweet.I am equal parts sad and angry,especially because he obviously loved her back. Anyway no girl should ever have to lose their beautiful brother the way Nina did."Best night I've had since Charlie got hurt."
His arms got tighter. I nestled closer.
"What was he like?" Max asked, still talking quietly.
"Charlie?" I asked back, still talking in my sleep.
"Best brother ever," I whispered and snuggled closer.
So although this is not the primary storyline or primary character, I latched onto any single little thing that Charlie said to Nina, every little thing being precious.
Secondly, I believe that Nina could be one of the best heroines in KA's extensive repertoire of heroines. Or at least she has the very best line. I read this after I have read most of her books and I have to say at one time or another all her male leads have said this or used a similar word I have always thought to myself, those men seem to be saying a whole lot with that word. Well Nina summed it up perfectly for me and I say kudos to you Duchess!
"Babe," he replied, grinning then said no more.
Still being helpful, I explained, " I know you think that word speaks volumes but, I have to tell you, it acutally doesn't."
Still being helpful, I explained, " I know you think that word speaks volumes but, I have to tell you, it acutally doesn't."
hahahaha yes!! Best line, love it.
She is smart, witty,protective and feisty and I just simply loved her
Thirdly , I am going to talk about Max, who I have come to the realisation is a highly underestimated KA hero. We all have our favourites,mine are usually the most outrageous ones, Tate, Joe, Tack, Hawke, etc Now Max, is sneaky, well at least for me. He is a romantic, a beautiful caring Moutain Man. His reassurances to Nina of how he is as a man, his caring way, this second time read really let him worm his way into my heart and I have to say that I think he may be there to stay.
Learned some things in my life, Duchess, one of the most important, you find a good woman, you take care of her."
" This happens between us, Duchess, I'd take care of you"
"Die doin' it."
I am not going to go on an wax lyrical anymore about these characters, I do not want to give away anymore of their story. They all have a troubled past, Maxs' quite tragic.
All I am going to say is this is not a book to skip. I know you have heard wonderful things about the next book and this series, but give this one a try first. It is well worth it, just a wonderful, beautiful read
She is smart, witty,protective and feisty and I just simply loved her
Thirdly , I am going to talk about Max, who I have come to the realisation is a highly underestimated KA hero. We all have our favourites,mine are usually the most outrageous ones, Tate, Joe, Tack, Hawke, etc Now Max, is sneaky, well at least for me. He is a romantic, a beautiful caring Moutain Man. His reassurances to Nina of how he is as a man, his caring way, this second time read really let him worm his way into my heart and I have to say that I think he may be there to stay.
Learned some things in my life, Duchess, one of the most important, you find a good woman, you take care of her."
" This happens between us, Duchess, I'd take care of you"
"Die doin' it."
I am not going to go on an wax lyrical anymore about these characters, I do not want to give away anymore of their story. They all have a troubled past, Maxs' quite tragic.
All I am going to say is this is not a book to skip. I know you have heard wonderful things about the next book and this series, but give this one a try first. It is well worth it, just a wonderful, beautiful read
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